Would you like to know more about the future? We are all curious about what is going to take place in the future, but only God is able to see what is going to take place and what will take place in the future. For the purpose of gaining an understanding of what his church, Israel, and the world are going to experience in the future, we must rely on His Word as our guidance.

Our current era is both intriguing and terrible at the same time. Things are shifting at such a rapid pace that we are hardly able to keep up with them. The next big event is pressed upon us before we have a chance to gather our breath and adjust to the new circumstances. The following global risks, which are dominating the news, show that there is a widespread perception that the entire world is quickly approaching a peak:

Conflicts in the Middle East and beyond

The creation of weapons capable of causing widespread destruction

Armed terrorist attacks

Unrest in the community

There is a growing number of people who are inquiring, “Where are we going?” “What steps will be taken next?” The question is, “How and what can we do to be prepared?” The Bible’s prophecy provides the answers to these queries. Through the use of prophecy, we are able to view the future with clarity and assurance.

Prophecy was not given to us in order to terrify us; rather, it was given to us in order to instill faith and assurance that He is in control. The knowledge that we have a “sure word of prophecy” that shines like a lighthouse to lead us through the darkness of our times and light our path through the darkness of our times allows us to have peace of mind.

“And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.”  (2 Peter 1:19).

“Therefore, we can lift our heads because our redemption draws near.”  (Luke 21:28)