Are you curious about the future.  We all want to know what is going to happen next, but only God has the ability to see what is to come and what will be.  We must rely on His Word as our guide to gain an understanding of what lies ahead for His church, Israel, and the world.

We are living in fascinating and terrifying times.  Things are changing so fast, we can hardly keep up with them.  Before we can catch our breaths and adjust, we are rushed on to the next significant event.  We all sense that the entire world is swiftly moving towards a climax, with these global threats filling the news:

Tensions in the Middle East

The development of weapons of mass destruction

Terrorist attacks

Civil unrest

More and more, people are asking, “Where are we headed?”  “What will happen next?”  “How and what can we do to be prepared?”  Bible Prophecy answers these questions.  Prophecy helps us see the future with clarity and confidence.

God did not give us prophecy to frighten us, but to give us confidence and assurance that He is in control.  We can rest assured knowing that we have a ‘sure word of prophecy’ that shines like a lighthouse to light our way and guide us through the darkness of our times.

“And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.”  (2 Peter 1:19).

“Therefore, we can lift our heads because our redemption draws near.”  (Luke 21:28)