11 Problems with the Post-Trib Point of View

1) Ignores Scriptural promises of escape from Tribulation
2) It trivializes the Second Coming
3) Allows no time for the Judgement Seat of Christ or the Marriage supper of the Lamb
4) Does not allow Jesus time to keep His promise to take us to the Fathers house and be with him there
5) Places the Church on the Earth during the Tribulation for no clear reason
6) Cannot explain why the Church is so prominent in Revelation 1-3 and nonexistent in Revelation 6-18
7) This view steals the “Blessed Hope”
8) Destroys the imminence of Christ’s return
9) Inconsistent about literalness
10) Does not explain who will be here to populate the Earth during the Millennium
11) Cannot explain the 15 differences between the Rapture and the Second Coming shown in the following chart.

The Rapture The Second Coming
A stealth event, Christ witnessed by believers only.

(1 Thess 4:17)

A public event, Christ witnessed by everyone. (Rev 1:7)
Christ comes for His bride to take her to heaven.

(John 14:1-9)

Christ returns with His bride to set up His 1,000-year kingdom. (Rev 19:11-16)
Occurs prior to the beginning of the Tribulation.

(Rev 3:10, 1 Thess 5:9)

Occurs at the end of the Tribulation. (Matt 24:29-35)
Ushers in a time of great distress on earth. (Matt 24:15-28) Ushers in a time of great peace on earth.

(Isa. 2:6, Rev 19:21, 23-25)

Believers are rescued from the wrath. (Rev 3:10) Believers rule with Christ (Rev 20:4)
Church age believers receive their glorified bodies.

(1 Cor. 15:50-54)

OT saints receive their glorified bodies. (Isa 26:19-21)
Christ comes in the air

(1 Thess 4:14-17).

Christ comes to the earth (Rev 19:11-16)
Imminent, could happen at any time (Titus 2:13) At least seven years away (Dan 9:26-29)
NO signs precede it (Titus 2:13) Many signs precede it, including the Tribulation

(Matt 24:3-35)

A time of great joy for believers

(1 Thess 2:19-20)

A time of great mourning for unbelievers (Rev 1:7)