14 Reasons to Support the Pre-Trib View

1) The most logical view of the Second Coming Verses when taken in their plain literal position
2) Clearly and logically untangles contrasting details of Christ’s Second Coming
3) Allows sufficient time to interject important end times events
4) The only view that distinguishes between Israel and the Church
5) The ONLY view that makes the “Blessed Hope” a truly Blessed event
6) Preserves the motivating power of the imminence of Christ’s return at any moment
7) The only view that takes God literally at His Word to deliver the Church OUT of the Wrath to come
8) Christians looking for the coming of the Lord
9) Makes a major event out of the Rapture
10) View fits most clearly with the Flow of the book of Revelation
11) Explains why the Church isn’t mentioned
12) Keeps the credibility of Christ’s Word to keep us from the Hour of Trial to come on the whole Earth
13) Maintains a message of comfort for Christians
14) Explains why there are no bible instructions on preparation for the Tribulation.

For myself I have never heard any arguments or seen any Bible passages that would convince me to change my position on a Pre-Tribulation Rapture. If the Church must go through the tribulation then the idea of Christ’s imminent return must be given up. I think no man can say from the scriptures that Christ cannot come today. And if He could return today, it is not necessary to argue that He will come at the end of this dreadful period of suffering and satanic rule.
For the millions of believers living on earth in any one generation to be convinced that the next experience for them will be a seven year period of suffering and anguish, rather than the Lord’s coming for them in glory, would certainly cast a dark shadow over the Church as a whole, shadows which I do not think belong to the Christian‘s hope for the Lord’s return