We carry the old issues into the new year in the hopes that it will provide answers and remedies. The world continues to descend steeply into endless dismay. Nothing would please me more than to assure you that under our new President Donald J. Trump, everything will be fantastic and America will once again be the dominant power in the world. However, that would be untrue! I won’t lie to you either.
America is rapidly moving toward becoming a minor participant on the global stage. We are getting closer and closer to the Father telling His Son, Jesus, to go and get His bride, which is the True Church. This is the only genuine good news that we have. But don’t imagine that just because He promised to keep us out of the tribulation that is coming to strike the entire Earth (via the Rapture), we will be spared hardship and persecution. Jesus forewarned us that because of Him, we would experience hardships throughout our lives. They will despise us, His followers, if they hated Jesus.
As individuals lose their jobs and retirement funds, America is on the verge of an economic collapse that will spark widespread riots and protests. When the housing bubble broke in 2008 and Freddy-Mac collapsed, we got a little taste of what’s to come. Both the crash of the stock market in February of 2020 and the soaring inflation are out of control. Many people think that President Trump will restore America’s greatness, and it’s possible that we will witness a brief reprieve from what is unavoidable for this nation. It’s important to keep in mind that Trump is a tool of God, not the cause of events. God remains and always will be in charge.
I see the unrest in Israel and the Middle East. Russia (Gog-Magog) and Iran (Persia) are rapidly forming an alliance, and there are rumors that Turkey (Tubal) will follow suit. The Ezekiel 38 war is about to begin. I’m not positive if this occurs before or after the rapture. On this subject, biblical scholars dispute greatly; all I know is what I observe to be taking place in the modern world.
It appears that no one is paying attention to the fact that a terrorist organization has taken over Syria; one evil has simply supplanted another. Remember that the destruction of Israel and all Jews is the aim of all the terrorist groups in the Middle East. Since the first agreement between God and Abraham, Satan has been attempting this. Because Jesus declared that He would not return to Jerusalem until the people proclaimed Him Lord and Savior, he believes that if he can exterminate the Jews, then no one will be left to call upon the Messiah and bring about the Millennium Kingdom.
All of this means that even while we are celebrating a new year, a new president, and a brief break from the past four years, you still need to get ready for what lies ahead. We still need to prepare for how horrible things might go before we are taken from this world, even though I firmly believe that we will be raptured out of here before the tribulation and great tribulation that are approaching.
I will now make it a point to share these little insights every week, to be watchful, and to carry out the watchman’s duty that God has given me. Till the next occasion,
God is with us, so keep up the good fight and pray for me as I pray for you.
Rev. Greg Martineau
Thank you for your question Laura, Yes, Christians will also be affected, along with the non-believers. Until Jesus comes back, we live in a broken world and suffer along with everybody else. But as Christians, our trust should not be in our jobs or our bank accounts; instead, put your trust in Jesus. He fed the five thousand men (approx. 8000 when you include the women and children) with two loaves and a few fish, so He can do the same tody in our lives.
Thanks for your post. I have a concern: will even the Christians lose their jobs and retirement funds? If so, how will we feed our family?