Reaping What You Sow by Bob Yandian

Joseph's Source of Joy
Joseph did not become joyful in his life because the circumstances surrounding him suddenly changed. He had joy long before being released from prison. Position wasn’t the reason Joseph was blessed, although God used it as a blessing in his life. Money wasn’t the reason he was blessed, although it was one of God’s blessings. His family wasn’t the reason Joseph was blessed, even though they were a blessing to his life. None of these things were the source of Joseph’s joy. The Lord alone was the origin of his joy. Joseph was rewarded for the faithfulness he exhibited year after year, regardless of the circumstances in his life. He was faithful over the few things, and God made him ruler over much.

Matthew 25:23 NKJV
His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’

God's Promise
Thirteen years had passed between the time Joseph was sold into slavery and his promotion by Pharaoh to be the second highest ruler over all of Egypt. After being promoted, the seven years of plenty had come, and yet Joseph stood twenty years past God’s promise to him without seeing its fulfillment.
God had given Joseph a promise and regardless of whether it took the promise ten, twenty, or forty years to manifest, when God makes a promise, it is guaranteed to come to pass! Jesus promised He would one day return. Whether or not we see His return in our generation, He will return!

Investing in Others
Twenty years had now passed in Joseph’s life, and his family had not changed. Jacob was as self-centered as he had ever been. Joseph’s brothers were still as carnal as they had been when they sold Joseph into slavery. By contrast, Joseph was a different man. He was now reigning over a nation. God had tremendously blessed him. Yet Joseph’s family was still fighting with each other. Joseph had strength of character and deep dedication to the Lord. He never complained to others about his circumstances nor made excuses for himself. His brothers were constantly trying to obtain the top position, trying to gain recognition while diminishing the value of others.
It has been said that our candle never shines brighter by blowing out the candles of others; rather, if we light the candles around us, the light will greatly increase in the world! When we invest in the lives of others, God will be glorified. That is exactly how Joseph lived his life, regardless of the circumstances he encountered.

In Due Season
Hebrews 11:6 NKJV
But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

There are some who do not believe God is a rewarder and instead, believe God hides Himself, destroys, and punishes mankind as part of His plan. However, God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. God has predestined our rewards from the foundation of the world, and God let it be known in Joseph’s life that he was headed toward a victory.
If God could deliver Joseph and turn his cursing into blessing, He can deliver you. Your financial failures, marriage problems, terminal sickness, or pending lawsuit can be turned around by the God of Joseph.

Galatians 6:9 KJV
And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

The Blessing of God
When the blessing of God manifested in Joseph’s life, it remained until his death. Once Joseph walked into God’s blessing, he never lost it. Tribulation always comes before greatness, and the way we handle tribulation indicates how we will handle greatness.

Yours in Jesus Christ