Word from the Lord 03/08/2024

Thus says the Lord!

“I am sending tribulation and trials such as have never been seen, first to the United States and then to the whole earth. Though you need not fear because I am with you always, I will never leave you, but I walk beside you, comfort you, and give you strength.

My Church in America has become like the Church of Laodicea, but even now I still have a remnant that loves me and keeps my Word. Today’s church has turned from My truth and embraces evil, saying they are just reaching out in “Christian” compassion, allowing the homosexuals to teach and the abortionists to continue to offer my little children to the god Moloch because of they can’t be bothered with the inconvenience. They accept the ways of the world becoming “PC” or “woke” to please the itching ears of the sinners who have rejected me or proclaim they have liberty through My Grace to continue in sin and debauchery. My Grace gives liberty and freedom FROM sin and death, it offers forgiveness when you slip. It DOES NOT give liberty TO sin!

Like America they have embraced the ways of the world, the ways of convenience. They have called evil “good”, and good “evil”. They and America shall soon fall under judgment! The time for judgment is close at hand, and it will begin HERE. I am beginning to sift my Church. The Real Church shall stand out from those that have become “woke”.

Persecution of my beloved by the world is coming! There is coming a great darkness upon America and the world, yet amid this darkness, a Great Light shall shine brightly by those that love me. Light shines brightest in the dark.

There are going to be great earthquakes in unexpected places and severe droughts. Weather events will continue to surprise people, and when they say it can’t get worse, they will be wrong. Fires will rage and seem unending. There will be wars and rumors of wars, and men’s hearts will fail them because of fear. Yet in all of this, you need never fear because I have not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind.

Amongst all of this, you will have such peace that they will not understand it. While they persecute you and torment My Church, you will display my love and forgiveness, you will forgive the unforgivable and love those that persecute you and use you for their own pleasure and goals. This will confuse and upset them, the more they attack, the more you will love them. Because you will continue to love as I have loved, countless souls will be rescued from the darkness and brought into the light.

Soon, my judgment of this nation and the world will begin. Here in the nation, which was started by men who loved me and wanted a Christian nation, A nation that I have used to protect and stand by my loved children, the seed of Abraham, the Jews, and then the nation of Israel, as I have called back the Jews from exile.

Like Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, I have prospered this nation while it was a safe harbor for my people. I have called my people out and back to their homeland, and now this country draws further away and no longer supports Israel as before, she comes under judgment.

I have protected Israel from her enemies and always will. When all the nations raged and wanted to decimate this little nation, I gave victory to my people. Every nation that has attacked her has felt the might of my protection. Yet there is coming a time when it looks like the evil one has conquered and won, and my people will finally acknowledge me as their Messiah. I will come and destroy evil and put the dragon in chains for a millennium.

I have judged America and found her wanting. She wallows in sin and does whatever feels good to her. They have said, Where is the promise of His coming? We have done whatever our hearts desire, and yet there is no judgement. Soon, the Father will tell me to go get my Bride and they will know I am Who I AM! I will bring my bride home for the wedding feast and My judgment of her works with fire and rewards.

I am calling my people, those who love me and follow me, to come out of the “woke” churches before I judge them for who they truly are! I am the First and the Last, the great promise keeper. I am coming soon!”